When I was running track in high school, we found it invaluable to have a running buddy to cheer us on, run alongside us, and keep pushing us to do our best.

You must be able to assist customers and make the sale because of your interpersonal skills and experience.ħ. As an assistant manager, you will still want to connect with your customers and model exceptional customer service. Many retail assistants were promoted because they proved they were good retail sales associates. Your retail shop assistant skills mean you can take the information you see and hear, look for trends diminishing the customer experience, and then look at ways to fix them – either by yourself or with your manager.Ħ. You are on the sales floor but you are more than just a sales associate. A store manager needs to have another person who can examine something like an employee performance issue, a customer complaint, or an inventory problem but not in a tattletale way. Ability to be a second set of eyes.and ears.

In some ways, the assistant manager should be the best salesperson on the sales floor.ĥ. You as the assistant should also be able to model the best sales process to not just help shoppers but to convert them into customers of your merchandise. The assistant manager who can read body posture and tone of voice and adjust accordingly will be invaluable. The best shop assistants connect with customers because they can read them well. I’ve always told my assistants, “Your job is to make me look good.” When you do that and support the manager or owner, you show you are a team player and eligible for additional responsibilities and the opportunity to run your own store one day.Ĥ. There are bound to be times the boss wants you to do something you would rather not do. Understand that the term assistant means you are subordinate. On the other hand, help the manager select the best alternative on decisions you don’t have authority over.ģ. Understand what responsibilities you have been given authority over and carry them out. If there are customer complaints or concerns, a good shop assistant will offer two choices to the manager instead of asking, “What do you want me to do?” You support management, not just relay issue after issue to them expecting them to fix it all. A great shop assistant has good problem-solving skills so they are able to think through choices and then deliver them to the manager. You must have the qualifications to be able to filter your boss's needs and bring important details to their attention while also handling the smaller things that often fill their plate.Ģ. This can go for remembering a colleague’s birthday, a loyal customer’s face, and on to include special orders and maintenance issues. Your ability to get the facts right is key to supporting management. Here are seven basic skills for an Assistant Store Managerġ. Surprised to hear that retail careers pay? Where much is rewarded, much is expected. Maybe that’s why LinkedIn says the salary of an assistant store manager ranges between $31k to as much as $65k. When trained and rewarded for their communication skills, in particular, shop assistants are worth their weight in gold. But when your bench is hollowed out from the great resignation, what do you do? Rebuild.Ī good shop assistant is a bridge between the manager who is frequently unavailable on the sales floor and the employees. So many retailers would like to promote shift leads to assistant managers and on to become store managers if they prove they can take on additional responsibilities. One of the biggest stories I've not heard talked about is that retail didn't lose so many associates or managers as shift leads and assistant managers.
If you’re looking for the top skills for how to be a good shop assistant or assistant store manager, you’ve come to the right post.